Second Grade News

Ms. Shank's Super Second Graders March 3, 2000

"Star of the Week"…

3/14-Jeremy Jones

3/21-Allison Smith

3/29-Stacy Cooper

Please plan to bring pictures and special items to show and tell. Parents plan to come and read to the class and have lunch with your star during their week.

Math Notes

We are continuing our unit on money. Please help your child practice counting money. Counting spare change is good practice. A fun idea is to play store. Let your child be the storekeeper and make change for your purchases.



Remember to bundle your child up with hats and mittens. It is still cold outside and we will be going out for recess every chance we get.




2nd Grade Musical

Mrs. Roger's will present the second grade Musical, "African Adventures", on Thursday, March 10th at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Please mark your calendars for this special night of entertainment.


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Don't forget to wear green on the 17th! We'll be searching for the Leprechaun's pot of gold.



Spelling Notes…….

Our spelling words for this week were very challenging. Super Speller awards went to:

Jeremy Jason

Cindy Kim

Eric Jenny

Susie Julie

Keep up the good work!




Lunch Menu for week of 3/14/00….

Monday: Hamburger, french fries, peaches, brownie

Tuesday: Fish sticks, tater tots, green beans, cookie

Wednesday: Chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, corn, jello

Thursday: Tomato soup, crackers, peanut butter sandwich, carrots, rice krispie bar.

Friday: Pizza, salad, corn, chocolate pudding.


Science News

Our new science unit begins next week. We will be studying the solar system. Be sure to observe the eclipse of the moon scheduled for March 12th!


Book It!


Everyone met their goal of 3 books this month.

You are all super readers!


A special thank you to the room parents for a fun Valentine’s Day party. We appreciated the treats.


Happy Birthday to….

Kylie—March 5

Jacob---March 7




Book Orders

Scholastic book orders are being sent home today. The money is due back on Friday, March 10th. Please make checks payable to : Scholastic.